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Nuevos códigos Navidad 2013 Publicado 26-11-2013 17:51:07
So good to be bad.

Mensajes: 22

landing.view.xmas13oldfurni.body=My true love sent to me; a penguin in a blossom tree! Back for a limited time, get your Christmas furni before it melts away.
landing.view.xmas13oldfurni.button=Link to old xmas furni
landing.view.xmas13oldfurni.header=On the first day of Christmas...
landing.view.xmas13polarbear.body=Remember: Polar Bears are for life, not just for Christmas! With toys and accessories galore, your new four-pawed, gentle giant will have everything he could want! Head over to Christmas shop now...
landing.view.xmas13polarbear.button=Polar Bear in XMAS Shop
landing.view.xmas13polarbear.header=Choo Choo: Polar Bear Express
landing.view.xmas13snowflake.body=Join in our fun-filled Christmas quests and from ruining Christmas! Completed quests earn Snowflakes, which you can exchange for AWESOME furni! Spend them before they melt...
landing.view.xmas13snowflake.button=Snowflake Shop
landing.view.xmas13snowflake.header=Snowflakes are back!

Próximos furnis:
["xmas13_snack","Snack","=A midnight snack"]
["xmas13_snowflake10","Icy Cannon","Freeze butts and then kick them"]
["xmas13_snowflake3","Icy duck shrub","Are those flowers?"]
["xmas13_snowflake9","Icy Cactus","First arctic cactus"]
["xmas13_snowflake4","Icy lamp post","Winter's light"]
["xmas13_snowflake2","Icy thorn bush","Better not to jump over it"]
["xmas13_snowflake5","Icy Tiki statue","Fire and ice... Tiki magic!"]
["xmas13_snowflake8","Icy blue plant","Rare beauty"]
["xmas13_snowflake6","Icy cupid","For cool Habbos"]
["xmas13_snowflake7","Icy sink","You don't wanna wash your face in there"]
["xmas13_snowflake1","Icy candelabra","It gets hot!"]

Saludos. :)
26-11-2013 19:04:59
Hay 300 Fers detrás de mí

Mensajes: 1731

Hola! conocíamos la info pero falta redactarla, no obstante gracias por compartirlo. Parece que vendrán buenas navidades :P
26-11-2013 19:58:28
labios color xandelle

Mensajes: 28

Lo interesante Es que en la encuesta para los HC, Tiki gano la reedicion version navidad por lo que veo
26-11-2013 20:00:37
Todo lo que empieza tiene su final

Mensajes: 2597

A ver si sale una buena campaña y no nos aburrimos...
26-11-2013 20:05:57

Mensajes: 509

¡Qué bien! El objetivo o pregunta del tema principal ya ha sido solucionado por lo que lo cierro y lo damos como resuelto.